Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thanks, but no thanks..

What comes to your mind when you read the title of this article? Certainly many things will come to your actually suggests how fragile the word THANKS to be uttered by certain group of people nowadays. I never intend to touch on this issue, even though it always triggers in my head everytime it happens to me or any other people whom we called as teachers or educators. What i want to stress here is that, when one has succeeded in achieving great result in their exam, especially in SPM, teachers are the last group of people that they will go to and express their gratitude and thanks. Teachers seem to be contributed nothing to their success, what more if the teachers are the most hatred list when they were still in their form 5. We teachers never want these ungrateful group of people to come to us, kiss our hands or give us presents or something. It's enough to greet us in a polite manner and convey your thankfulness and gratitude for all the efforts that these teachers have done to you throughout the years. Unfortunately, for the last 9 years in this school, whenever the SPM candidates came to get their result, there were just acted indifferent to their former teachers. There were just busy with their friends, comparing their results, and only gave a cynical smile if their former teachers passed through them. Is is too hard to say hello and greet your teachers? One thing that i can conclude from all this experience, is that these group of our former students never consider us as their teachers. For them, these teachers are only relevant during their schooldays. After that, what the f**k that they care. They even try to avoid themselves from encountering with us. This is the reality that we as teachers have to accept. Maybe in my early years of service, i would feel irritated, but now, what the f**k that i care. Your thanks but no thanks attitude we hope will bring you more success in the future. It is you, and your efforts alone that make you great and succeed. Teachers? Who are they?
Having said that, I was lucky to have taught and met with several group of students who never forget to give their well-wish throughout the years. I wish them all the best and my blessings will be with them. fikirla sendiri..!!


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